Before Trilogy Posters

#time #love #dialogue


The movie “Before Sunrise” was released in 1995. Unlike typical films with dramatic plot developments, this film focuses entirely on the dialogue between the main characters. The scenes change as they walk through different paths. The content of their conversations is ordinary, but there is a subtle emotion in their eye contact, revealing their values as they engage in flowing conversations. The film received significant attention upon its release, and in 2004’s “Before Sunset” and 2014’s “Before Midnight,” the reunions and married life of the characters were respectively explored.

The “Before” trilogy films authentically depict the transition from the dreamy stages of ambiguity and romance to the practicalities of married life. However, due to the trilogy spanning over two decades, there are significant disparities in the proportions of characters on the posters, the use of fonts, layout, and design styles. The motivation behind this project is to ensure that the three posters achieve visual and conceptual consistency, allowing the “Before” trilogy posters to stand independently while also forming a cohesive visual theme when combined.



golden grid




#time #love #dialogue

#pointer #magic hour #flow

Design Concept

Based on the observation and conclusion above, we can design the poster layout following the golden ratio. The concept centers around time, romance, and dialogue, transformed into pointers, magical moments, and flow.

  • Time > Pointers: Use pointers’ direction to indicate the time points of dawn, sunset, and midnight.
  • Romance > Magical Moments: Present the state of romance as undefined elements, much like the undefined colors of the sky during dawn, sunset, and midnight. Soft gradients or blurry effects create a dreamy atmosphere.
  • Dialogue > Flow: through streamlined patterns, illustrate the flow of ideas and emotions when characters interact, emphasizing the smoothness of the conversation.

Regarding font choices, English standard fonts conveys a sense of time and flow. For Chinese standard fonts, it emphasize the connections between characters, creating a sense of fluidity. The overall design goal is to visually communicate the passage of time, the dreaminess of romance, and the coherence of dialogue, creating a poster with depth and emotion.


  • 時間 > 指針: 使用指針的方向來表示黎明、日落、和午夜的時間點。
  • **戀愛 > 魔幻時刻:**以柔和的漸變色彩或模糊的效果,呈現戀愛不明確狀態呈現為不明確的元素,就像黎明、日落、和午夜時天空的色彩無法明確定義一樣。創造一種夢幻的氛圍。
  • **對話 > 流動:**透過流線型的圖案或符號, 表現兩人相處時,觀念與情感的流動。


before series color




golden grid
golden grid
golden grid
golden grid

Poster Concept | Echo Ke

Poster Visual Design | Echo Ke

Year | 2023