An Application for Elders
User Experience Research / User Interface Design / Wireframe 揪窩苗苗
苗栗銀髮族共學/共食/共乘應用程式 識別設計、介面設計、頁面流程圖繪製
In the past, the hard-working and frugal generation always dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to the family and put “the self” on the last position. They rarely knew how to care about their own needs or express their needs to their family members.
“揪窩苗苗,” the application, is mainly for the elders in Miaoli area. The purpose is to let them learn to enjoy life again and regain those that they have lost due to hard working or economic factors, to recognize the missed “Me Time.”
過去克勤克儉的一代,總是認真打拚, 為家庭全心全意付出,把「自己」擺在最後, 很少懂得關心自己的需要,或者向家人提出自己的需要。
「揪窩苗苗」這個應用程式主要就是給苗栗地區的長者們。 讓他們重新學習享受生活,重拾那些因為打拚或因為經濟因素, 錯過的「給自己的時間」(Me Time)。
Product Positioning
The application encourages rural and evergreen people to step out of their homes and get in touch with the community.
It aims to encourage the elderly to participate in activities that are beneficial for both their physical and mental well-being
Focus on three aspects: learning, dining, and walking.
The goal is to help them rediscover and enjoy life.
User Position
- Middle-aged and elderly people aged 50-80 in the rural areas of Miaoli
- Monthly income between 5,000-40,000, budget carefully
- Those who have chronic diseases or need regular follow-up visits
- Mostly live alone
Design Concept
“The character ‘人’ consists of two straight lines, mutually supporting each other, symbolizing the mutual support between individuals.
‘揪窩苗苗’ is based in the picturesque Miaoli township, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The logo combines the silhouette of Miaoli’s granary, representing the local landscape, with waves indicating the coastal towns. The intention is to offer users a warm local haven.”
「人」由兩根直線互相支撐構成, 意味人與人之間的相互支持。
「揪窩苗苗」以傍山臨水的苗栗鄉鎮做為據點, 標誌用指涉鄉鎮地景的苗栗穀倉與海線鄉鎮的波浪結合, 希望可以提供使用者,一個在地溫暖的憑藉。